Froggy Pose
The light was good for about ten minutes this afternoon. In the first few of those minutes I decided I'd take the dog for a walk ahead of any rain that might follow. On the way out, I paused to snap froggy who sits on our patio whatever the weather (as I said, the light was good). If I give him a kiss will he turn into a handsome prince?
I went to our doctor's surgery this morning for my shingles jab (yes, I am old enough to qualify for one!) and couldn't believe how empty the place looked with the waiting area devoid of chairs and people, marked into regulation rectangles with just one chair in each - not what it used to be like B-C.
Our son is over this evening to try and sort the new SSD I have bought for it and get the computer to 'see' it. (What do you mean you can't see it - it's just THERE!!) All being well, I'll have a very fast running machine and won't get frustrated waiting for it to do what I want it to do!
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