The Jenneting

By Nettinoo

BT Tower Reflections

For me it always has been and always will be the Post Office Tower though this has been cause of ridicule among younger friends and family.  Whatever its current name, it has been a big bruvver like beacon to Londoners in recent years and its rotating messages can be glimpsed from my mum's sitting room window.  Today the banner remembers Dame Barbara Windsor RIP.  Gawd bless her.

Tune of the Day:  Lady Jane  - Rolling Stones.  I've been singing it to myself all evening after cracking a can of Brew Dog which on second glance turned out to be called Hazy Jane. 

Pukka Tea of the Day:  Three Chamomile - I was just going to say one chamomile is more than enough for me ... but now I've just read that it claims "70% "African" chamomile and 20% "Egyptian" chamomile my pedantry hackles are rising. 

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