Watercolour Greetings

Thank you, Phee!  What a lovely card!

Mine have all been sent, and I hope they don't get lost.

Drizzly weather with a lot of room for improvement that didn't happen.  Typically Dutch weather today's has been.  The trick is not to dwell on it.  In the past decade or so, we solved this by flying to some foreign part, a no-no this year due to the virus, but there's enough to amuse ourselves with, if we make the effort.  That all-nighter yesterday used up some of my inner reserves, though.  Perhaps I should binge on some cake?

Some colouring, and I finished the Migration MOOC, another jewel.  Caught up with some housework, and AW had his Thursday evening online bridge.  AW has been feeling slightly lousy about these online games.  He's good at his game but his partners are below par, and that is not exactly motivating.  That friend of ours in AMS who had to be hospitalized two months ago was already sent back home to recuperate further, but she is far from well and will need to be operated on due to a complication that occurred while she was at hospital, so she won't be able to team up with AW for quite a while yet.  In the meantime, our COVID statistics aren't exactly getting any better.  A week ago, we had the Feast of St. Nicholas, with families coming together, and we're certain that that has led to the current spike.  Fabulous how people don't give a shit about each other, or themselves.

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