
3C grey clouds and flat calm.

Family history research again today. First thing this morning I was looking at a big drawn out version of the 'core' part of my tree which I drew out on some lining paper ages ago. My attention was caught by the end of a branch which I have not gone back to for some time. I decided I'd have a go at cracking that problem today. I have some new data. I might find more later. Just need the link confirmed by a document I can get in Edinburgh next month. Progress :-)

I took Maeve the Deerhound for her walk after lunch. We had scrambled eggs today. We went down the road to the shore and along to the level crossing then down onto the beach. I had the soundtrack to the film Local Hero on the iPod Nano. Something soothing for the "little grey cells". Tide quite far out. The damp sand had lots of doggy footprints. Three dogs and one person were heading to Easthaven. The likely candidates.

No sign of anyone at the Fishermen's huts. I took photos. Maeve sniffed about. I liked this one of part of 'Shamara II', swathed in tarpaulins against the winter weather and standing out against the pale grey sky.

Blip uploaded, tea made, brain clear ... back to the papers, files, and websites ...

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