
By Beewriter

Swim Gang

Oh my, it was cold in the Quays this degrees of coldness. Shoulder aching, toe numbing, finger burning coldness. I swam around the dock, but twenty minutes is about my limit in the cold. It’s hard to walk on feet that are completely dead with cold, it’s hard to get dressed with fingers that are on fire with burning needles of coldness. It sounds horrific but it is wonderful. To feel so alive, to be at one with the world, to have every nerve exhilarated and bursting with zing!!!

The swim gang met at our cars afterwards. Jenny, who we first spoke to last week, had made delicious rock buns. We had our flasks, shortbread and buns, socially distanced chat and hot water bottle stuffed down my trousers. Is there any other way to start a Saturday??

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