
By McWilliams

Afternoon on the beach

I joined the half term masses this afternoon and went for a stroll along the South Bank, taking in the familiar sights of Borough Market, Shakespeare's Globe, Tate Modern and Millenium Bridge before heading north over the river towards St Paul's.

Rather unusually I was in no particular rush to get anywhere...I had a vague plan to do some shopping (not my most favourite past-time) before meeting Andy after work, when it occurred to me that one of the points of the Blip project is to see things from new angles and go out of the way for a different shot.

So it hit me today that despite previously working on the South Bank for a good couple of years, I had never stepped onto the shores of the river. So I found a 'secret' set of steps by the wobbly bridge and joined a few families enjoying the sunshine on the sandy/pebbly north beach of the Thames. Kids skimming stones and their parents taking in the 180 degree view of the wheel, Blackfriars Bridge, Kings Reach Tower, etc etc.

And as a result, I captured the Shard from the opposite angle to yesterday. Two sunny days on the river in a row..lucky me!

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