
By alijay

Precious Father Christmas

Well this one is precious to me! We decorated the tree today. I love rediscovering all our eclectic decorations...from ones made or given by our children, family and friends over the years. Decorations we have bought while travelling, weird and wonderful ones chosen by our children when they were little! Amongst all those are three ( all we have left) very old decorations which were my dad's, from my grandma and possibly passed down from her least 100 years old, probably more!  There is this one - blip and two clowns - see extra. They are so very delicate. 

A bit emotional decorating the tree today. I have done it with my son since he was little ( it was something my dad and I did together too). This is the first time our son won't be with us....complications due to quarantine and shielding needs in the household he lives. 

We are all trying to be positive and look forward to skyping him later and sharing the tree with him.

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