Clever Clogs

This morning I went for a walk with H on Kelling Heath before the rain was due at 1pm - you guessed it I got wet as it was 2 hours early! This time I did manage to get a photo of one of the horses in the gloomy weather. This one was quite clever as the open bag is thrown in the bottom of the container, but it picked it up and rested it carefully on the edge so it didn't have to bend down. This afternoon I wrote a load of xmas cards to send tomorrow, I've got as many again to write in the morning as far more need sending this year. 

Today my niece and her partner found out they have the virus, my sister and her husband are self isolating and expecting a call from Track & Trace as they visited recently. 

Talks with the EU are continuing. 

Day 273 / Day 12 of the 3 Tiers v2 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 144 to 64,170 (revised basis), with 18,447 new cases, 16,531 patients in hospital and 1,275 on ventilation. The Manchester Evening News is reporting that the infection rate in Greater Manchester has fallen below England's rate, so moving to Tier 3 and the lockdown worked! Germany is going back into lockdown until 10th January, with special household arrangements over the xmas period. The US aims to vaccinate 100m people by the end of March under Operation Warp Speed. The Head of NHS Providers has said that people must think 'really carefully' about the risk of more social contact over xmas following the large surge in cases in the US after Thanksgiving. 

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