Day 259 - Chevargo is back

Neil was working today and I slept a bit longer which meant it was taking until after midday to do my program. I then cleared the studio from the remaining paperwork and did some tidying.
At 3 pm  was meeting Chevargo for coffee: Before that I had a text conversation with his son Xavier, who had accidentally taken his fathers phone. It was a funny exchange.
It was great to see Chevargo - I had missed him. He is such a gentle and amazing person. He told me that he was about to hire Michaila - the lovely muslim woman I photographed in July! Amazing.

Back home I finally started moving my workbook into Canva then Neil came home.
We made food, had a drink and collapsed.

Tomorro is cleaning day.

Blipping Chevargro - I was a bit too late - wanted to snap him with his mask .....

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