Christmas angel or Santa's little helper?
This is Jane, who arrived this afternoon with a bag of presents for Mum for Christmas. The presents come from Haydon Bridge Chapel. Mum is a member there. When the congregation met for the first time after lockdown, they decided to organise gifts for people who are unable to go to church.
There is a knitted angel amongst the goodies (we are not opening them until Christmas Day of course). These angels have appeared in several local villages, left hanging on fences and hedges for people to pick up and take home with them.
Jane volunteered to remove her coat for the photo, but there was no where to hang it, so I included it in the image. (I also made it a more suitable red for Christmas!!)
This morning was our photo course, The Bigger Picture. We were discussing how to move our collaborative project forward. It seemed quite hard going, but after the meeting our WhatsApp account kept pinging as people had ideas.
This afternoon I walked through the village to deliver cards for Mum. It was raining nearly all the time and very dark. When Jane came, I had not realised quite how dark until I took this image! (A wider aperture and slower shutter speed should have been employed.)
It will soon be the shortest day. Hang on in there!
If anyone has not watched the puppets (see yesterday) you are missing a treat. It's a good show to keep grandchildren or children amused too.
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