Camera Shy

By Wildstar

It's Pareidolia again.

Very lazy day today,  well I did do some things but they were indoors, mostly on the computer - like looking up this image for the December Pareidolia challenge.  This was taken on a Camera Club Summer evening  outing,  only out and about in our own home town,  but while everyone else was lining up interesting angles on familiar subjects I spotted this old tractor on the beach by the Cockle Sheds.  I think it was used to level up and tidy the piles and piles of cockles that actually are solely of what the beach consists.
The other task that is a pressing one is the annual renewal of car insurance.  I used to have specialist insurance for "hire & reward" as a private hire car owner/operator carrying out airport/seaport transfers and this was always arranged through an agent but on becoming an ordinary car driver they were unable to offer anything under £900 annual renewal premium and so it falls to me to navigate my way through online stuff.  The first year I managed to get it down to £526 with Aviva - apparently I already had a "product" with them which gave me a 25% discount,  The next year it went up to £541 so I managed to find a reasonable offer from AA at  £368 but their renewal is now quoted at £515 because apparently last year's premium was an introductory offer!  I thought I would try Aviva again but now after completing all my details I am classed as uninsurable!  It gave the option to query this by completing an online email query - I await the result.

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