
By Happy_Janwen

Keeping my distance

Today, Father Christmas surprised us with a collection visit for our local pre school.  I was pleasantly surprised to find some loose change in a drawer that I could put to good use .
Giving money when isolating is going to be a challenge.  Eager collectors are bound to come right up to put the money in their tin before they think about the extremely vulnerable.  So I had to use hand signals  and place the money which I had picked up using post its on top of our recycling bins.  That way it was safer for them and me.
Tonight I learned that our local brewery has been forced to make all its workers redundant.  There are moments when I feel that if everyone had been more careful we could have lessened the impact of Covid on businesses and the population. However, I have lived long enough to know that life is always more complicated than it looks and I have been very reliant on all those fabulous people who have been working during the epidemic.  
Happy Christmas to you all, may your wishes come true.

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