The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

An Expert Opinion

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

LTJ mentioned In our chat today that her wrist is much better and she can fasten her bra at the back again instead of having to do it at the front and swivel like an old lady.

“Oh no,” my brain wailed, “I’m a swiveller. I am old before my time. Even my underwear says so.”

Hang on.... this is the technique I have used ever since the first time I had to wrangle myself into one. Well before the need for wires, tape or anything else you’d normally associate more with a tool box than underwear.

So I googled. A body language expert (Patti Wood) has actually written about this...

“If you fasten your bra at the front and then swivel it round, you’re an ‘influencer’: You like to be noticed, appreciated and challenged. You always look your best. You get bored easily.

If you wear a back-clasping bra and fasten it behind your back, you’re a ‘supporter’: You follow tradition and go along with what you’ve been taught. You’re sociable and are a good listener, but you don’t like change.”

See LTJ, I am an ‘influencer’. And I’m sure you will have already noticed that I always look my best!!

Does this same theory also apply to moobs? O’H Dear?


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