Early walk.

Set off early so that we would get a dry walk. After walking round the Kelpies we decided to walk along the canal path towards the lagoon. The sun was in our eyes but we had noticed people approaching with two dogs. Then all of a sudden a yelp and squeal. I wondered if one of the wee dogs had fallen into the canal but no!....it was the woman’s companion who was walking along the pontoon.She had slipped and fallen into the water. When she emerged she was soaked through! She insisted she was fine when we inquired if we could help.

After lunch we took our local route along the canal. It was dry so we made the most of it. Chloe is now washed and drying nicely!

Andrew started his new job today. He had to go into Glasgow for his induction this morning but , like many others , will be working from home for now.

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