I'm Doomed

Haha well this was a turn up for the books today I arrived at work fully expecting to drive to Leeds for a couple of hours then a trip to Newcastle for an hour then a third drive back to Edinburgh but my mate Simon seen me when I arrived asking why I wasn't working my job I said I dont know then my bosses at Birmingham said there was a letter for me and as you can see I had been selected randomly for a Unannounced Substance Abuse Screening & Alcohol Testing through in Glasgow so Simon got my Job well part of it as he had started earlier that morning he couldn't cover all of my turn so it would be shared with another driver from Newcastle as well so I headed off to Glasgow in my full uniform to the screening centre "Clean And Sober"1988 drinking enough water to fill the Hoover dam as the quicker I went the earlier finish I had whooPEE done and it will be sent off for testing two separate bottles filled and sealed with stickers with my signature on them I picked the one I wanted tested and the other one will remained sealed for a year in case I have a positive result should have stayed off the Coke last night Eh Diet Coke that is lol but it has to be done on a regular basis which is a good thing as I would like to think that if I was on a form of transport that the person at the controls was doing it with out drugs or alcohol in there system so another glimpse into the life of a Train Driver and happy for being finished at 1pm instead of half Five happy days and back to the grind tomorrow with a trip at 9:05am to York

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