Steps: late final

Whoever built the steps on the old stone sled (treggia) track had a whimsical sense of progression. The third step has what might be called an extended landing of rough cobbled stone. I have picked and sprayed out all the soil between the stones. And filled in and scraped back and brushed out to create this effect with yellow earth mortar.

It was cold and damp, leaden skies. I just did a half day, chivvied Luciano, and watches him put a few things right. He’s a bloody marvel.

And then clambered under the duvet with Aubrey and Maturin. Just search if you don’t know them.

Heard a fab Soul Music on Radio 4 about The Proclaimers’ anthem ‘Sun on Leith’. You’ll not be disappointed.

Got a few more sacks of muck from the builders yard, A flat Cetica loaf, Taleggio, Yoghurt con Agrumi, milk and was given a shop Christmas gift, a little bag of chili peppers with a bell on.

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