
By JohnHeuston1

Mad for Madison

On Monday, two colleagues and I are taking twenty of our #adprstudents to New York. Until Sunday night, save for a large amount of stored sleep, I will mostly be watching New York-based tv programmes. US Apprentice tomorrow, a bit of Friends even, Suits too, all with cracking Manhattan street views.

And the daddy of them all (so glad I didn't go for maddy of them all) this box-set of Mad Men. We're visiting ad agencies and pr consultancies, a trip I've organised ten times before. Three of the seven visits (Strawberry Frog, DDB and TBWA) are on Madison Avenue and it's such an honour to sense the history of the whole place and to visit such awesome companies. The four others are so terrific too - Ogilvy PR, 5WPR, Saatchi and JWT. An episode or two of this superb programme will really get me in the mood (point of order - I know it's fictitious).

I may well blip about NYC next week. Am beyond excited.

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