

With the disappointment of not being able to go to Cornwall I forgot to tell you about Lucy’s bunnies. It appears they had fisticuffs on Sunday and we only realised when Lucy brought in the older one for a cuddle and her eyelid was cut. Yesterday she took her to the vet expecting some antibiotics but they said it needed stitches. So this morning I took Fleur off to the vets to be patched up. Poor thing looks even more battered now. They said her lip was cut and she had other scratches over her body. The younger one has been booked in to be spayed after Christmas and hopefully will help with hormonal bunnies trying to be top dog ( I’ve said it before but these are so much harder than dogs or cats).

Which also meant that Lucy couldn’t join us for our trip to Wisley which we booked back in October. However, B who I work with was delighted to step into her shoes. The displays around water were particularly mesmerising. The evening ended with hot chocolate (cold drink for moi) but I was too late to have a browse around the shop as they were closed.

A few extras to use up so you have more ;-D

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