Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Beethoven and Pythagoras

If Ludwig van Beethoven had  lived on and on he'd celebrate today his 250th anniversary! So instead we all do celebrate now his legacy with playing his music (I don't play music, but my recorder does).... Beethoven's Symphony 5

Mathematic scholar Ionica Smeets, here in Holland stated that today's date 16th- 12-2020 has Pythagorean triples: the sum of the squares of the day and month forms the square of the year: 256 + 144 = 400.

I'll add a translation of a piece of her article in the papers = "Triads of this kind, where the squares of two of them together form the square of the third, are called Pythagorean triples. Although these kinds of triplets were known long before the ancient Greeks, the Babylonians already described these kinds of numbers on a clay tablet about four thousand years ago, with the trio 12,709, 13,500, and 18,541 as record.

With some puzzling you can quite easily find some such triples yourself: for example 3, 4 and 5 (because 9 + 16 = 25). Next Wednesday's date is actually a variation of this: simply each of these numbers times four. This way you can easily make an infinite number of these kinds of triplets: if you have one trio, you get another one by multiplying the three numbers each by the same number.

That ancient Babylonian trio is extra cool, because it cannot be reduced to a smaller trio. This kind of Pythagorean triples are called primitive. And there are also an infinite number of them. But it is rather rare for them to occur as a date. This century this will only happen once, just put 24-7-25 in your diary."

Thank you all lots for your reactions recently! 

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