
By Saffi


My granddaughter experienced her first Nativity play this year - one of the many in the chorus of nursery children with pre-school and reception classes taking the major role.  No parents or family could watch it so it was relayed by Youtube with a special link.  So I thought I would make a Nativity scene for her at home with a set a friend had bought in a German Christmas market years ago.  I did once knit the characters in the Nativity which would have been much more fun but can I find them - no!!  The tree in the background is my Christmas tree for this year.  And notice the Infant Jesus is wearing pink!

A two hour meeting with T over zoom this afternoon with the NFU going through all our insurances for next year.  We had two sessions as the time kept running out and would have had a third but zoom wouldn't accept the last password ... so finished by phone.

Babysitting tonight.

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