Where we don't want to be..

I have an appointment in London tomorrow.  Or, I had an appointment in London tomorrow.  

I bought my train ticket this morning, started doing pre-work for the meeting after lunch, then received THE CALL.  School.  Your son has a temperature, both boys sent home until they are tested for COVID and of course, it has to be negative before they can go back. The poor eldest left the pantomine he was watching half way through, no Christmas lunch tomorrow and, unless we get the test results back tomorrow, no Christmas disco on Friday...  After a tough year, when the school build-up to Christmas is more important than ever, it's hard for them to leave school so suddenly. 

So of course, off we trotted for the COVID test this afternoon, the whole thing was a bit of a shambles, starting off with a reprimand for not having the email that had been sent to me (I hadn't received it), then a further question as to why there were three people in the car when only two were to be tested - I pointed out that the two being tested were in the back and not quite ready to drive. Turns out that testing children is pretty tricky, and both tests got mixed up, so it's all a bit of mess and we just hope they both come back negative! 

This evening was spent in the supermarket to get a last minute Christmas lunch for tomorrow to make up for their sudden end to the term. The eldest was particularly upset. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Morning puppy walk 
The boys behaving really well in what turned out to be a stressful day for them 
The youngest's teacher sending him home with all his cards and gifts from school (and the eldest's being in touch about collecting his). 

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