The quiet one.

I went with the Humans to do the sheep and for my morning walk. Then we went over to the Bungalow to deliver something. The men were there and they had more windows out and the front door off. We didn't hang about as it was far too cold. The back up Human came over in the afternoon all pleased as the work was all finished at the Bungalow. Well, except for some minor bits to be done by a decorator.

The blip today is of the quietest member of our family, Tikka. She had a bad start in life until she found us so she lives a pretty invisible life. She likes to blend in and worries about getting in trouble. She's a very affectionate dog and we get on really well. I don't mind sharing my Humans with her but not my House. She has her own one outside. Have a great weekend, Luv Ginnie Xx.

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