Windmill 'St. Antonius', Eerde

Eerde sounds like 'AIR-duh'.

Fab day weather-wise, so of course I had to hit the road.  It is one of the prettiest I have ever seen!  Had to wade through a grassy field (as in ex-horse-patty-grassy) to take the frontal shots.  There is an extra, and I wonder if I should have featured that instead. What do you think?  You can see two power sources in the shot and the windmill with its vanes is the larger one, it would appear.  Location tagged.

EDIT:  I've changed the picture.  The new one is now showing a cropped version of the extra, which is the original one.  I will still keep the original because I rather enjoy the 'face off', where the two 'power giants' are standing close to each other, one kind of challenging the other.  You can see the challenges, though, when one is going for a frontal shot.  I don't blame the windmill, but the power company, for spoiling that view.  Had the windmill been facing the road, though, the wires wouldn't have been in the way.  Thanks and!

Before going on the hunt, however, I visited our physiotherapist.  Well, actually, AW's physiotherapist.  Wouldn't amaze me if he knows everyone in our little corner.  This was for my jaw problems.  The stiffness is caused by stress and he gave me four exercises to help relieve the discomfort.  They're not hard to do.  I hope they work.  After my visit, it was AW's turn.  We came separately because hanging around together in the waiting area is urgently discouraged.  Everyone cooperates with this 'rule'.

Updated my bookkeeping today, but not yet done.  Did some colour plate repair as one of those I'm busy with (yes, there are three, none of them close to completion) got mucked up because the lines are so confusing.  You will see it most likely sometime early next year.  A lesson on focus.  And we do need to keep focused during this lockdown.  Luckily, I do all my windmill hunting in the bubble of my car as that is the only amusement outside our house that I will permit for myself.  Not that there is much choice as everything commercial is shut.

Capped the day with an hour-long chat with Mimi.  We always have a good laugh with our mind-chess speculations.

So this was Lockdown Day 2.  A sunny day!  And more to come!  I hope so, anyway.

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