I promise you I'd never give up...

22. Makes you smile: What's making you happy right now? Take a photo of it.

I've recently got back in touch with an old friend.

We haven't spoken for almost 3 years... the whole length of time I have been blipping.... but we picked up from where we left off, talking absolute drivel, keeping each other entertained when the tedium of working life gets too much.

In our previous existence we posted envelopes of lunacy to each other. I once posted her 12 bags of Pickled Onion Monster munches; a pair of used long johns, and other such nonsense. She posted me the contents of the stationery cupboard, packets of chocolate, and letters declaring her Lesbean Love for me.

I missed that the most while we were estranged. We had those laugh out loud moments, over the internet and phone, where pants frequently had to be changed and the coffee wiped from the computer screen.

She sent me this photo today of her drawer at work, and this made me smile.

Those of you who know me from "another place", will recognise the picture sitting on top of the drawer paraphernalia - it's me. One of her rather lovely portraits from over 3 years ago.

She's very good at these.

A couple of weeks ago, I told her that since she was closer, she should venture out and look and see if Himself was okay on the hill he was camped in. thirty minutes later, a picture came in... kinda like this one, but with a Scout uniform underneath the head. and the messages, "It's okay - I found him he's smiling".

She does make me laugh.

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