Thank you for the music

Knottman2 got there before me!

When I was studying with the Open University, a long time ago, we did an Arts course called The Age of Revolutions (1770-1827). It was the best year's study I ever did and much of it has stayed with me even now. We looked at the history, of the period, the literature (Blake, Stendhal, Wordsworth), science, philosophy and much else. But the part that had the most impact on me was Beethoven. I was totally taken up with his life and his music. It was my introduction to classical music and the joy in his music has never left me. 

Beethoven was born on the 17th of December 1770, so today is a celebration of 250 years since his birth. Sadly a lot of the planned concerts marking this occasion through the year have had to be cancelled. We were some of the lucky ones, as the Beethoven Weekend at Sage, Gateshead in February, where all nine Symphonies were performed by some of the world's best orchestras, went ahead. What a memorable experience that was. 

So here to mark the occasion are two boxed sets of CDs that are almost always out, the set on the right I have had for a long time and one on the left is what I play the most. 

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