Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Thank God it's Friday

Some days just sum it all up. So here is a tale of 21st century man.

Woke up this morning, downloaded my daily newspaper straight on to my iPad in one minute. Gruesome tale of a hotel where people had been drinking and washing in water from a tank containing the body of a dead woman. Earlier this week there had been a story from Sweden about a factory where for the last three years people have been drinking coffee from a machine that had been connected to the radiator system. Clearly, this is a week for macabre plumbing stories.

Then did some work without even going in to the office accessing my emails and files over a remote connection. Video conference with my wife in Sydney and my daughter in Melbourne. More work. Numerous calls using mobile technology that would have been the stuff of science fiction 15 years ago.

Football in the park with my son. Some things at least never change.

Ages P very distressed. Spoke to her in Kent, then spoke to my sister in Derby to see if we could find a way of looking after her.

Met my older son after work for a couple of pints. Really liked the glasses in one pub we went to, and using mobile Internet was able to find them for sale. Hence the blip.

And now .... Need a good old fashioned sleep...

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