Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Well almost finally, I still need to get come framers tape so seal on the backing board and ideally some acid free tape to tape on the certificate of authentication.

I have had this print for a long time. In fact I am sure it's been blipped before a very long time ago.

The frame cost an arm and a leg and being custom made we checked the measurements 5 million times. Thankfully it's perfect. I used I definitely recommend them if you need a custom frame I was very happy with their service (no I haven't been paid to say that I was a genuine customer).

In other news I am still exhausted. One more work day to go but tomorrow the pallet arrives with hardwood chips and after work the massive bag will need to be shovelled into what ever to take round the back, steps into the back garden mean we can't wheelbarrow it. Or it will be a job for the weekend. The chickens better like their upgrade from mud. Blooming 'cheap' pets aint half expensive :D

Avian flu has been confirmed in South Derbyshire worrying close :(

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