Craigs walk
I’ve had a busy day. I crushed the medication for Cassie’s hyperthyroidism in her breakfast. It took her along time to eat it , but thankfully she did.
I taught a gentle inclusive yoga class at 10am on Zoom. Afterwards as it was not raining we went on the country walk up onto the Craig’s ridge and back home , a 4 mile walk with a few hilly parts . The route was very muddy and slippy in parts, so we had to be careful. We had lovely views of the surrounding countryside and hills with a glimpse of the Solway in the distance. This photo is taken from the ridge looking towards Criffel .
We’ve had so much rain recently, many of our usual walking routes are still partly flooded . Sadly we have more rain forecast tomorrow.
I went for a swim in the afternoon, and wore my new costume and goggles. I swam 30 lengths without stopping.
I need to start writing Christmas cards and put the Christmas tree up !
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