Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Winter Wonderland Wednesday

It's Winter Wonderland Wednesday at work, so of course I'm decked out in my Christmas jumper and Christmas pudding socks for the occasion! I hosted the Big 2020 vitual quiz in the afternoon which went really well, so I'd call that a good day. Mom, Zoe & Nan did a doorstep drop off of Christmas pressies during my lunch break and we had a bit of a socially distanced natter which ended a bit teary. I really hope the vaccine roll out is swift and successful because chatting with my family whilst they stand out in the cold drizzle and I can't hug them completely suuuuuucks. I haven't even seen Ma since my birthday (September) so it was crap not being able to properly spend time with everyone. 

Anyhoo, today's Advent treats were strawberry white hot chocolates, pralines and cute animal washi tape.

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