New Forest Tree

I spent this afternoon driving the drive that I should have driven on Tuesday. Having taken precisely zero photos, I pulled into a lay-by and clambered over a fence to grab a blip of the New Forest landscape. As has been pointed out to me before, in lots of areas, it is not exactly forest-like! Anyway, I was happy with this tree and sky - two of my favourite subjects for photography. There was lots of water hanging around, as can be seen in my b&w journal.

Now relaxing at home for the evening before a busy few days leading up to Christmas :) Not that Christmas will be the same as usual - several places have been moved up to tier 3 today..... I do so feel for those who work in the theatre and the hospitality sectors! - indeed for so many people whose lives are being turned upside down by the coronavirus pandemic!

Sodden Landscape in my b&w journal

Thanks very much for your kind words, stars and hearts for yesterday's blip of Mum having her covid 19 immunisation! If you are in a more vulnerable group, I hope that it's not too long before you are offered one, too.

Ann :))

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