Gift of a bouquet of .....
....... Flowers.
These beautiful flowers came from my family " up north " yesterday. The tulip came with bulbs on each one , I've never seen them sent like this before! I've got 3 vases as they all need their own place of beauty. I'm sure they will last for a long while.
Today " A" took me to the garden centre as I'd requested an orchid for a gift ( he insisted I choose one ) it's beautiful, for another days blip I'm sure.
This morning I was at the hospital by 9am for my annual blood test , then came home for a cuppa and a bite to eat ( as it was a fasting B.T.)
It's been a reasonable day with mild temperature and it certainly looks as if some of the bulbs along the verges are starting to show their faces. Do hope they don't get dashed by any bad weather that may be on its way.
So tier 3 has been announced for most of the U.K. from midnight Saturday . Really feel for everyone in the hospitality industry , but this "V" takes no prisoners , nothing to do , but fight on and hope " herd immunity " will win in the end.
Hope everyone has had a good safe day .
Grateful .... again for the NHS
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