Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


This started with scarves hanging on a towel rack and ICM.  The straight stripes were kind on boring so I bent them a little.  Many thanks to Ingeborg for her long time hosting of Abstract Thursdays! 

The last time V1K1 (from New Zealand) visited the USA, she started on the east coast and met Kd (in Vermont) and then traveled to Denver and met me in Estes Park.  Today the three of us had a wonderful Blipmeet on Zoom.  We laughed about the fact that it was today (Thursday) here and tomorrow (Friday) there.  I am grateful for the technology that allows us to travel through space and time and talk to each other in our present moments. :-))

Sorry for my lack of comments.  I hate to get behind so I'm going to sprinkle stars again tonight since it's so late.  Hopefully, I'll get back on schedule tomorrow.  

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