
By JennyOwen

Rediscovering old favourites

More gloomy weather this morning. So I alternated between writing Christmas cards and finishing off some of the clearing up and reorganising that I'd started earlier in the week.
One pleasurable task was bringing out of storage some of the toys that I'd saved from when Jack and Ruth were children. Eben, Luca and Frieda are growing out of some of the toys we have on hand for their visits, so it's time to refresh the stocks at bit. I'd completely forgotten the 'Wizard of Oz' story-telling doll that I found in one of the storage boxes. What a fabulous item: it has every key character, you just flip it over to move between Dorothy and the Lion (back to back one way), and the Tin Man and the Scarecrow (back to back, the other way up). Lots of fun to be had with this.
I also went to the shops in the neighbourhood next to ours, to get wrapping paper and to look for a small present for Marianna's parents. It needed to be lightweight, as (all being well), Jack and Marianna and Frieda will be flying to Athens on Monday; they won't want anything bulky. I settled on a couple of jazz CDs from Sheffield's wonderful independent music shop:  'Record Collector'.  Usually it's packed in the days before Christmas, even in these times of Spotify and streaming. Not today; I was the only customer in there most of the time. As you'll see from the extra, it's looking pretty careworn from the outside; I wonder how much longer it will survive.

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