Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

How the other half live

The main tree in this image belongs to the energy traders. I don't really understand their work. I know that one day they might agree to buy a gigawatt of Summer 2021 at a fixed price and another day they might agree to sell a gigawatt of Summer 2021 to somebody else at a different fixed price.
Is it a gigawatt? Or is it a gigawatt-hour? I don't know, I'm not that interested.
They find money interesting and I don't understand how or why.
The actual buying and selling part of their day occupies about five minutes and most of the rest of the time they talk loudly about à la mode restaurants or barbers. They keep expensive handmade brogues in desk drawers which they put on when they arrive and remove before they leave and the only exercise these shoes ever get is indoors across a contract carpet when one of them gets up to plunge the departmental cafetière.
They bring competitive lunches in from home.
They are very well paid and have the self-esteem that follows a fat salary like a tail-wind.
Just like Dominic Goings

The little tree in this image belongs to the drawing office. I really do understand our work. Our job is to show clearly in images anything that would be too complicated to get across in words. Or if not too complicated, then just quicker, like those peeing images or that tank.
Our comprehension of money might increase if we knew what it looked like, but like so many from our caste, we're just grateful to have a job at all.
We rarely talk audibly about anything, but when we do it's not about nouns, it's most likely to be about concepts. We just enjoy sharing a wavelength.

The energy traders haven't been in the office since March, they're all Zooming from home and probably filling those spaces with expensive background artefacts to maintain their competitive edge.

We found their tree hidden in a cupboard and brought it back to life in our empty office.
It's so big and so classy beside ours, so tiny and boisterous.
We had to put ours on a cardboard box covered with pilfered wrapping paper just so we could see it over our screens.

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