The Big Bug

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Caro spent a lot of time in the garden today. She started out wanting to move a table and put up an sun-umbrella, and the next thing I knew she was moving the grassy plant to make room for the bromeliad. 

And we never did put up the umbrella.

She also called me over to "look at a big weta". Hence, today's picture. 

I continued working on the podcast, with the hope of publishing it around the 28th. But it is going to be difficult. There are a lot of chores to be done before Xmas and then it will be Xmas. So I need to crack on. 

However, this did not stop us watching another episode of "Gogglebox" tonight. We are working our way back through time so the episodes are really old. We are now back before the days of Pete and Sophie, which is a blow. But Ellie and Izzie are still obsessing about food and Giles and Mary are still as bonkers as ever. 

I particularly enjoyed tonight's aside from them:

GILES: Remember when we saw that therapist Mary? She really helped us.
MARY: Yes, she stopped us from interrupting each oth-
GILES: And she negotiated that deal between us. Do you remember that? 
MARY: Yes, she got you to agree not to drive at 90 miles per hour on the A345.
GILES: Oh that's right - and you agreed to stop screaming hysterically when I go round corners.

I sometimes wonder if they work out their routines in advance?

I also liked the bit when Mary was crying while watching a documentary about Dame Vera Lynn.

MARY: It's just so beautiful! She united the nation with song! Why can't anyone do that today?
GILES: Breathe, Nutty, breathe.
MARY: And now everyone's smoking skunk and looking at pornography!

Caro was CRYING at that last bit. 

And now if you'll excuse me I'm off to have a Jodrell Bank while smoking high-quality weed.


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