Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Christmas Shopping

We have forgotten what it’s like to go into the shops we love.

So sad to be feeling anxious when just walking along the High Street and then on with the masks and lots of hand gel entering and leaving the shops. Its an extreme version of how I have felt at various times in my life and a difficult experience to deal with leaving an urgent requirement for cake on our return.

We have successfully sorted out Christmas.   
Cards for neighbours, No surprises this year 
Books for each other chosen by ourselves,
One special card for each other
One Art present each, One painting by numbers and one etching kit.
... and a box of biscuits not to be opened till 2021

Let’s keep going as long as we are allowed.

I would have liked to make a trip to Woolworths before walking home but those days are long gone.

Merry Christmas 

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