Moss and Tiers...

Tier 4 as from midnight.

Poor Jodie was coming over for Christmas dinner with her three boys as Dean is working on Christmas Day. Now I will cook and take it over to hers, although it's 'Essential journeys only', I'm sure I can get away with driving 4 miles down a straight road with the dinner in a cool/warm box.

Not much done today, but got dogs groomed,  time spent on the portal with Hayley, and stood on the bench outside the kitchen to get this blip of the moss on the wall. Really need to try this on a frosty morning.

 Now I need to think up conversations to have with J over Christmas dinner! Married 47 years, been in various lockdowns for 9 months,  I think we've covered most subjects!

Just found this looks better in full view.

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