
By Jen_Elliot

Tri-generational Knitting Tutorial

My daughter had arranged to Zoom with my Mum to get Granny to teach her to knit. My Mum has been a formidable knitter all her life. Despite her best efforts, I've never really had any interest (but I confess I enjoyed knitting my square for the Bellfield tree).

My girl had arranged this herself but I joined them too.

She cast on the ten stitches under Granny's guiding eye. Together she and I knitted ten rows and then my girl cast off a square - triumph!

She announced 'That was the hardest thing I've ever done and I've done 'The Badger Divide' (see summer cycling photo - to explain she rode/pushed her mountain bike up a 2000ft mountain plus a lot more!!!)

Well done everyone, we laughed lots.

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