Upper Hutt.

Over the last few Sundays we, The Boss and ME, have explored the Hutt River Trail and today we ventured into the upper part of the walk to the Birchville Bridge and down the other side...What a delight this area is as we sat in front of a "DO NOT FEED THE DUCKS" sign watched eagerly by 50 assorted ducks, Pukeko and other assorted feather things who all hoped we couldn't read. it was an 11km day which we will take The Bossess on after Christmas. We eventually crossed back to the original side at this bridge (extra) and made our way back to the Egolf which by the time we got home needed some (E) so we stopped at a charger which was directly opposite our apartment and topped the tank which cost $15.97 and took 40 mins and gave us back 245 km. Seems fair I thought. Unfortunately E Chargers don't sell IceCream (yet) 

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