Verdant ....
Headed out to Black Spout Wood for a walk after lunch, taking a new path on the other side of one of the burns that we hadn't spotted before. When I say path I really mean track and our walk involved some scrambling up a hilly bit and later over a wall. It was good to be out though.
I was hopeful that we might get a glimpse of Saturn & Juniper tonight but it has since clouded over.
Had a lovely chat with A this morning - it will be strange not seeing her at all over the festive period nor for her birthday in early January. However she is being sensible about it all and at least has a flatmate for company. R (step-daughter) had already decided not to come up to stay at her mothers and I wonder when she will next be able to do so. Similar scenes are being played out all over and governments taking the correct decision yesterday doesn't get away from the wrong one made earlier.
Now off to see if clouds have cleared any ....
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