
This morning was our church nativity and Carol service. Working on the nativity has been one of my big projects for the last month. We've loved it. So it was really exciting to finally share the finished product with everyone else. During our zoom coffee time after the service, the door went and we took delivery of a surprise parcel of donuts from a lovely church family! We had one each for lunch. As our main course. In the week before Christmas 2020, I no longer care. The girl needs every bit of extra sparkle manageable. 

We played games, we walked and gathered stuff for our wreath then we came home and made it together. She really enjoyed that. Come teatime, I served her diet coke. Christmas is definitely here! It all feels very flat, and our Christmas bubble burst yesterday so we are a bit meh about the whole thing, but we are trying to find and make all the sparkle we can in new ways.

She came in to me at 8.15, having been practicing happily. She said "I think I'm a bit tired mama". By 8. 25 she was asleep in her 

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