
We started early. Gollum and Tango had a training session each and we managed a short walk too.

At 10 AM Bodil came to collect me and we drove to Ringsted to bring Xmas home.

He is tiny! Much smaller than I expected, so the collar and harness I had for him, was too big. We had to stop by the pet shop to get a smaller collar, so he can wear his name tag. 

We came home and Xmas was introduced to Gollum and Tango. It went well. You can see a video here!

Tango could not believe his luck - a puppy of his own! He is trilled. Gollum is just so sweet and gentle, so he has already accepted a small puppy in the house. 

Xmas is staying close to me. I think he is missing his family a little, but he is doing really well. He has eaten some lunch and gone to the toilet outside. Clever little man. Now he is taking a nap. See the extra ❤

So all has gone well so far.

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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