Three Right Angles

The winter solstice today, and a rare astronomical great conjunction when Jupiter and Saturn appear closer together than at any time since the 13th century. Apparently it should be visible in the SW sometime between now and 18.30, providing the clouds clear. They show no signs of doing so.
After food shopping, general admin, another holiday (autumn 2021) related phone call about connecting flights, and lunch, I walked to Queens Park specifically to check out the sculpture that was installed in the duck pond a few days ago. I had misread the description and I thought I was going to see “Three  Angels Horizontal”. I was somewhat underwhelmed and when I got home and double checked the details I realised that it is “Three Right Angles Horizontal” which makes more sense visually. The pond had been drained as part of the installation and a small beach was still in place and a lot of general debris which was disappointing.
Meanwhile the chaos escalates, and the ending of tier 4 in Scotland is “unknown”, which is honest.

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