When all the miracles begin
Never wrote this up on here yesterday as felt dreadful come the evening - no COVID symptoms (that warrant a test) and all the symptoms of when I’m worn out - that I’ve had all my life whenever I’m over tired! But still... sit there wondering, what if I’ve got it? So many repercussions if I did! Anyhow, a hot bath and a good night’s sleep later I’m pretty much all better - as is always the case when I’m worn out and then sleep well! Funny the places your brain goes when thinking of possible outcomes of imaginary situations!
”Never doubt that there are two kinds of doubt: one that fully lives into the questions, and one that uses the questions as weapons against fully living.
God gives God. He withholds no good thing from you.
And the good things in life are not so much health, but holiness; not so much riches in this world, but relationship with God; not so much our plans, but His presence - and He withholds no good thing from us because the greatest things aren’t ever things.”
- Ann Voskamp
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