Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

Lumber mill coming along

Today I got the lumber mill almost ready.  Still have the white edge trim to put on the corners, and attach the log ramp on the other side.  As well, those two holes in the power building get very high smoke stacks.  And everything needs weathering.

This has been an interesting kit.  Have to admit that the little pieces of wood in N scale are a challenge to glue properly.  But patience pays off.  And everything was laser cut very well and the pieces fit well.  Not shown  because they are drying are the log ramp that attaches to the building, and the dust and sawdust collector.

I think that this industry will need a lot of rail service for delivering logs, taking out sawn lumber in boxcars, and sawdust in hoppers. .  

The shed roof and that open platform is the sorting ramp.  Cut lumber would come out from the mill, get categorized and stacked on buggies, and taken to the drying yard.  I have the scale track, lumber buggies, tractors, and wood piles yet to build and paint.  And lots of workers.

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