2020 ....

..... came in the post today.

I thought it was appropriate to hang it on the tree from one of the bulbs which has stopped working.

Busy day today. We had a visit this morning from two very helpful and very nice PPE clad occupational therapists, to check if mrfsb needed any more equipment, grab rails etc.

Then we had a groceries delivery from Sainsbury's, the last one before Christmas. Then it was off to Waitrose to collect a pre-ordered turkey. I was a bit apprehensive about this as I haven't been to a shop that large since before the first lockdown. I was very impressed by the collection arrangements. The cafe had been converted into a collection area. The main shop was much quieter than I had expected, so I was able to get a few things which had been missing from the earlier delivery.

Yesterday evening we had our camera club awards and quiz, on Zoom. I got a joint third place in the cumulative digital open section, though it was joint with about half the other members. And our breakout group won the quiz. We were rubbish on the photographic section (8 out of 15, last place) but excelled in the B&W movie stars portraits section (13 out of 16 which propelled us into first place). It was a bit slow though so there was only time for these two sections. Nobody mentioned any prizes.

Oh, and after a break of a couple of weeks I caught mouse #4. I wonder if they might be field mice after all as my trail camera captured him coming into the garden by the back gate on his way to the garage..

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