Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Walking home

I was up early to get to the market early to avoid the Christmas rush. I went on to the supermarket which was getting uncomfortably busy by the time I left. As well as the usual fruit, fish, vegetables and staples, I bought some Christmas treats; a capon for Christmas day, pannetone, Spanish turron and some stollen. It was mild and sunny so today's walk was very pleasant. One bad and frustrating thing was a phone call from my pension advisor who said that because of a likely no deal and the lack of "passporting arrangements" for financial services, he would no longer be legally allowed to keep me as a client. Is there anything good that will come out of Brexit? Of course there is "sovereignty" which we were never going to lose anyway as the French have proved in shutting their border! A no deal Brexit and the new Covid variant problem are together the perfect storm! 

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