..A ‘well of living waters’.
I must have blipped St Ann’s well before.
Living ‘Waters’, not ‘Water’.
I don’t think about the plural of water very often (and why some is and some isn’t).
When I first started work, at a bank, in the days when The Banking Hall was a place of echoey awe and seriousness, with a very particular banking hall fragrance as I recall. (Kind of a mixture of been-out-in-the-rain tweed and used coppers?) my leg was much pulled by colleagues. The bank was in the Black Country, where the correct pronunciation of ‘water’ was (I was reliably informed) ‘wear-ta’ (that’s ‘wear’ as in ‘she wears it well’ and ‘ta’ as in ‘tap’, not ‘tart’).
I still cor sai it roight :-)
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