Canal Walk

I felt really out of sorts and very low when I woke up. I had to go a walk as it was nice and sunny. I walked down to the canal, it was very muddy but it didn't matter. I walked to the lock then back down to Crooke. I was looking for the kingfisher. I loved these trees and their reflections. The canal was very still and like glass down here, further up the wind was stirring it. I stood and watched a bird flying low over the canal, as it flew away from me I saw the blue colour ir was the kingfisher, I had no chance of getting a photo, it was so lovely to see it it flight, mesmerising!. 
I had an osteopath appointment this afternoon, lovely to see Henna, my leg has been hurting with all the long walks in mud!. I had to collect an oximeter from a house to take to the hospital which I will do tomorrow. I have signed up to be a steward volunteer for the vaccine as part of my transport volunteering role. It's good to have something to do and be useful.
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