Lolly Leis

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Monday was a day of little event. Caro and I both worked from home and the cats made the most of it by rolling around next to us. 

But I did get some Xmas supplies in. This was non-perishable stuff like crisps ("chippies") and sweets ("lollies"). For later in the week. 

Lemon told me a couple of years back, that her family would get all the lollies and make "lolly leis" with them. 

Basically this involves taking all the sweets and rolling them up in a tube of cling film. Which you then tie at the end and fasten round your neck. Then you eat them while watching the big Xmas film. 

Look. I'm just saying. It's a cultural idea you could appropriate.

The main reason for doing this shop was to buy lots of citronella candles because the little bastard bugs out the back are a right pain in the arse. It didn't help at all that I couldn't remember the word "citronella" and went searching for "limoncello" candles instead. 

Well, I knew it was something to do with fruit.


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